Thursday, May 10, 2007


Sorry that it took me so long to update. Carly was born at 7:43 Pm on May 7, 2007. She weighed 8lb 6oz. She is 19 1/4 in long. She is so beautiful. I would put a picture on here but I am not sure how to do it. My labor was not horrible. We went in that morning and they started Pit pretty early. At about 12 they put in my epidural. I didnt want an epidural to begin with but since I was confined to the bed I got one. Well after a while I got really nauseated. they gave me some phenergan and that wiped me out. Then I woke up and started itching reallly bad so they had to give me some benadryl. So then I went back to sleep again. The next time I woke up I felt nauseated again and then I threw up. Not fun. However that is what progressed me to 10 cm. then I started pushing. I pushed for a little over an hour and then a Carly came out.

We are now home and everything is going well. We are still learning and will be for a while. She likes to sleep alot and not eat so much but we are working on that.

She has her first Dr's appt tomorrow and I will update then.

1 comment:

Allison said...

We love you all very much! And I'm so happy I got to meet Carly already!