Tuesday, April 24, 2007


So today I woke up and decided that I was tired of sitting in a house all day. I wanted to go fishing. This is not something I had done in several years but I wanted to do it. So after lunch Zach and I went fishing. We had one rod and reel and a tackle box ; so we had to get another rod and reel. Then we went to the lake. For those of you familiar with Clemson we went to the Larry Abernathy Park. There is a little dock there that you can fish off. We fished for a while btut nothing was biting. We thought maybe it was the heat. We also thought maybe it was the bait. We didn't have any live bait. We were using bread and the jelly worm things. So we decided to give up.

We went to supper at Fudruckers (yummy)! Then we rode up to Walmart. See my reel was not working very good b/c it was so old and rusty. And we got me a fishing license so that I could legally fish. We also found some live bait at Walmart. So we went back fishing. And guess what... we didn't have any better luck. I caught one fish. It was tiny. I mean like the size of a cell phone small. I also caught a turtle. I was about to cry. I made Zach get it off the hook while I turned my head. Fortunately , the little turtle seemed fine as he swam away.

I don't know if we'll have time to fish tomorrow or not. But I had a lot of fun today and so did Zach. I have an appointment tomorrow at 8:45. So I will update on what the Dr says then.

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