Friday, September 14, 2007

first library group

Carly had her first library group today. The Central Library has a reading group for toddlers (children under 2). It was a very fun group. We got there and Carly had fallen asleep in the van. I took her in anyway so that she could hear the books while she was asleep. Well, once we got inside she woke up when she heard all the other children around her. At first she was scared because she didn't know where she was but once I took her out of her seat she was fine. they sang a few children's songs (itsy bitsy spider and happy and you know it). Then they read a book. then they sang another song. Then they read another book and used a felt board to show the story. Next they sang B I N G O. After that we did ring around the rosie and then got stickers. Carly was smiling the whole time. I am so happy that she enjoyed it. I love to read and feel that it is super important to start early. I also like that it exposes Carly to children other than just the ones at church.

We checked out 5 books to read this week. I wont be able to take Carly next Friday because I have to work. I hate it and don't want to work on a Friday but they really need me. So I guess we will have to wait 2 weeks before Carly gets to go back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.