So it has been quite a while. Carly is growing up so fast. She is eating food now. She loves her oatmeal. She has eaten peas, carrots and green beans so far. She has liked them all. It is funny how much her poo has changed.
She is 6 months old and way too big. She has been clapping with closed fists for about 3 weeks. Today, she started clapping with open hands. She likes to hear the clapping sound.
Halloween was a blast. She was the cutest turtle. We went to Boo in the Zoo at Riverbanks and Greenville. We had more fun at Riverbanks. Greenville kinda herded us around like cattle in a shoot. Then we went to Downtown Clemson for Tricks or Treat. She enjoyed it. Even more so the people downtown loved her. Several college students stopped us to take pictures.
christmas is coming soon so we took Carly last week and got her pictures done. I will post one or two so that you can see what a big girl she is.
Very cute :-) I love the little shoes. Yeah, we'll all have to get together sometime. We'll be at SB's birthday party. Fridays at 9:30....depends on if I go to the gym in the morning or afternoon...if I go in the morning I go at 9...
Finally! I love those little pants!
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