Carly had her first Christmas yesterday and it was so much fun. She got all kinds of fun things. She has been wearing herself out playing so much. Today we set up a corner in our living room just for her.
Christmas actually started for her a couple weeks ago. First we had Sarah Bradley (and her parents)over for a little party. Carly got a fun doll that is dressed in a cow outfit and it sings Hey Diddle Diddle. Carly loves it. I like it even more b/c SB (Sarah Bradley) was a moo cow for Halloween and Carly and she went to Boo in the Zoo together. The next night Carly hosted Tori and Jayden (and their parents). See Tori is a like a big sister to Carly and Jayden is her boyfriend. They gave her a little Christmas doll and a princess towel.
On last Friday we went down to Oburg. Sunday evening we had Christmas with my family. Carly had a lot of fun with her cousins. She got a little Lion ride on toy. She loves it. She plays with it alot. She also got so fun bows that she will have to grow into. My parents gave her a toy top and a thing for her crib.
Monday night we were out at my granny's with my dad's side of the family. Carly had even more cousins to play with there. She is the youngest and she had fun crawling around playing with everyone's toys. After good food and Carly opening a few gifts we hit the road for home. We got back to the house at about 11 pm.
Tuesday morning Zach parents came over to watch CArly open her presents. She had a ball opening each one and playing with them all. Then we went over to their house to open gifts. There she had even more fun. She really wore herself out playing with everything.
Well today started off just fine. We returned some gifts and got a few new things. Carly had fun playing with all her toys. Well I did something very bad. See I got a new camera yesterday. So I took the SD card out of my old one and put it in my new one. It had all the pictures on it from the last 4 months. ( I had not saved them yet) Well I was playing with the camera and deleting some fuzy pictures and I deleted my whole card. Trust me I cried (literally). I found out there is a recovery place in Gville so I am going there tomorrow to try to retrieve my pictures. Please pray that I will be able to. Pictures have never meant this much to me but if I have lost all those pictures I will cry again.
Well the pictures I posted are from today. I just wanted to show you her stuff.
Hope you all had a MERRY CHRISTMAS.
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