Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy 2008

Just wanted to wish you all a very Happy 2008! I hope this year will be great. I tell you I can't believe that 2007 is gone. It was a year of some of my happiest memories yet. I became a mom. I saw my daughter do all kinds of things. I experience the best Christmas yet. I just hope 2008 keeps it up. I can't believe Carly is almost 8 months old. Wow!

Well tomorrow a very big decision will be made regarding Zach and my future. I pray that the Lord's will be done above all. I don't know how things will go. I will post as soon as we know something so that it doesn't drive people crazy trying to figure out what I am talking about. I just can't discuss it as of now.


Allison said...

Ok... you need to update!!

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