Friday, September 22, 2006

Feeling Sickly

So I am feeling so sick. I get up I eat crackers and drink ginger ale and gag all day long. Ugh. I am so ready to get past the 12 weeks and just hope, hope, hope that it goes away. Sleeping is also no fun. I toss and turn. I don't feel like I can breath on my back but when I turn on my side I hurt two certain upper extremities that seem to be growing alarmingly fast.

I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant with triplets. That terrified me. I would love twins. However, triplets are just plain scary. How do you breastfeed three babies? I think it was just the pizza I ate. (I hope so anyway.)

My parents are coming up tonight to go to the Clemson game with us. Then we are going shopping for some maternity clothes. I really need some jeans b/c it is starting to get chilly in the morning and evenings. I would rather go ahead and buy maternity pants than buy jeans that won't fit me in a few weeks. I am doing really good with my weight right now. I have actually lost over 5 pounds since I got preggo.

I just thank God for this gift. I have wanted it so bad for so long. I just pray that everything goes well. About 4-5 weeks before we are over the "worry" period. I will be so happy. I love my little miracle. We affectionately call him/her Peanut.

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