Carly is 2 today!
Wow! Has it been two years since I went into the hospital to have my daughter? It doesn't feel like it. I can't believe it has happened so fast. One minute I am holding my newborn daughter that fits into one arm and now I have a toddler that barely fits on a lap well.
I think i am going to take this time to share some memories of her.
Looking up at me while she ate, precious look, the trust in her eyes.
Rocking her to sleep and singing to her (I still rock and sing to her every night).
Her first smile, as she looked at her daddy and I.
Learning to crawl, using one arm and pulling herself along.
The first time she reached for me.
The first time she cried when mommy was leaving.
The first time she said "momma"
Her first steps.
The way she runs to her daddy when he gets off of work.
The feeling I felt when she had to go into hospital.
The way she still looks at me.
Her sweet, sweet kisses.
The way she says, "miss you mommy"
The way she says, "lub you mommy"
The way she says, "read to me"
The way she runs up and throws herself at me knowing I'll catch her and she won't fall!! What better picture of how we should be with our Heavenly Father!!! He will catch us every time if we believe!!! Just look at how he caught Zach and I when we thought we would never have children.
Thank you Jesus, for the precious gift of my daughter! Thank you for answering the prayers of so many with her birth! I praise you for the joy she is in my life. Please help me to raise her to your standards and to love you! Please guide her to you! I entrust her life in your hands! Thank you so much!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Carly!
Happy Birthday Princess!!
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