Sunday, September 27, 2009

sorry it's been awhile

I need to apologize for my retreat from the blogging world. I am back!!!!!!!!!!!! This blog will simply be a blog to direct you my other blog...please go and read...I will update about my Carly bug soon!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Two weeks ago we went to our first Dr.'s appt. We went in expecting to see an ultrasound of our 13 week baby. To say the least we were super excited! Well, our excitement died when the doctor did the ultrasound and said that there was not a 13 week pregnancy there. At that time, he was going on the assumption that the dates were way off. He did tell us that there was a chance that something was very wrong. So we prayed and waited.

We waited almost exactly 2 weeks and 18 hours to find out that our second child is now in heaven. This is not the way I wanted today to go. I had the car packed and ready to go to Myrtle Beach to spend the rest of the week with my parents. Now, I am waiting the rest of the week for my D and C which is scheduled on Friday to rid me of the tissue left behind.

I am so thankful that I have my faith to carry me through this. I rest assured that my son or daughter (for some reason I think it's a son) is now in heaven. I bet my grandfathers whom I never had the oppurtunity to meet are now bouncing their great grand child on there knee. I am sure Zach's Paw Paw is getting his turn too! My child has a first cousin there, too. I know that he is being loved.

For now,I throw my arms up, my head back and sing, "You give and take away You give and take away, My Heart will choose to say, Lord, Blessed Be Your Name"

Saturday, July 04, 2009

We're Having Another Baby!!!!!!

I know it's been forever since I blogged. We have been really busy moving and getting acclamaited to our new church. I just want to let you know that WE LOVE OUR NEW CHURCH!!! It just feels like home. We love our new home. We have the best neighbors in the world.

I got the best birthday present ever this year. Just a few days before my birthday I found out that we were pregnant. I will be 11 weeks tomorrow! I am so excited, I can't wait to go to the doctor's office and have an ultrasound so I can see our new baby. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The BIG 2!!!

Carly is 2 today!

Wow! Has it been two years since I went into the hospital to have my daughter? It doesn't feel like it. I can't believe it has happened so fast. One minute I am holding my newborn daughter that fits into one arm and now I have a toddler that barely fits on a lap well.

I think i am going to take this time to share some memories of her.

Looking up at me while she ate, precious look, the trust in her eyes.
Rocking her to sleep and singing to her (I still rock and sing to her every night).
Her first smile, as she looked at her daddy and I.
Learning to crawl, using one arm and pulling herself along.
The first time she reached for me.
The first time she cried when mommy was leaving.
The first time she said "momma"
Her first steps.
The way she runs to her daddy when he gets off of work.
The feeling I felt when she had to go into hospital.
The way she still looks at me.
Her sweet, sweet kisses.
The way she says, "miss you mommy"
The way she says, "lub you mommy"
The way she says, "read to me"
The way she runs up and throws herself at me knowing I'll catch her and she won't fall!! What better picture of how we should be with our Heavenly Father!!! He will catch us every time if we believe!!! Just look at how he caught Zach and I when we thought we would never have children.

Thank you Jesus, for the precious gift of my daughter! Thank you for answering the prayers of so many with her birth! I praise you for the joy she is in my life. Please help me to raise her to your standards and to love you! Please guide her to you! I entrust her life in your hands! Thank you so much!!!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We're Moving...Again

So let me just start by saying that God is soooooooooooooo AWESOME. Since we got to Johnsonville, I have been in a really dark place. I like this town and many of the people. I have found friends that will hopefully last a lifetime. So you ask about the "really dark place". I am a stay at home mom. Thus said, I think all stay at home moms would agree that we need a support group. We need other stay at home moms that we can get together with. Women we can share our "stuff" with. Unfortunately, there are no other stay at home moms here. I have been praying for God to bring some into my life. To help me meet them when I am out and about. To have them show up at JFBC. However, it hasn't happened yet. There are other things that added to my "dark place" but I won't go into those things.

About 3 weeks ago, we were approached about a church in Greenville that needed a Youth/Worship Pastor. The senior pastor their had requests a meeting with Zach. At first we were kinda shocked and really thinking it wouldn't pan out to be anything. Zach called Chuck and spoke to him. At that time we both we a little excited by the possibility. We were praying for God to make our path clear! We struggled with leaving here b/c of some of the relationships we have developed. Over time, (a short time albeit) God has shown us that this is truly where we need to go.

So really God has answered my prayers. See, my best friend in the world is a stay at home mom who lives in the upstate. She has two sweet children, one being my daughters best friend. I also know many other stay at home moms and groups that i can go to. I am very excited by this.

I will truly miss my friends here and wish JFBC the best they can have! I hope things go well for them. I hope they thrive!

I am just so excited to follow God whereever He takes us. Thank you Jesus!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

My Valentine is so Smart

Ok. i will start off telling you that my daughter is doing great. She is getting into the terrible 2's a little. Otherwise, she is still my angel. She has started singing lately. It goes something like this, "Inkle, Inkle inkle inkle..." you get the picture but the really funny thing is when she goes from singing "inkle, inkle" to "a,b,c e i e i" Since, I know that these two songs share the same tune, it makes it really funny to me to here her go back and forth.

Fortunately, the weather has been nice here and we have been able to spend some time outside. Carly loves it. She got a small 4 wheeler for her birthday last year, and she loves to ride it around the yard. She is so cute on it. The funny part is she doesn't know how to steer it so she wrecks a lot and has to yell, "Help". How sweet.

One more thing about my smart daughter...she now understands missing someone. Or at least I think she does. We spent a week away from Zach with my parents last week. Almost everyday i would ask her if she missed her daddy. She of course didn't understand. I would tell her that she did. Then, after we were home, Zach went to work. Carly was looking for him and calling out, "Dadddy, daddy?". I told her daddy was at work. She looked at me and said, "miss daddy". I looked at her and wondered if she knew what she was saying. Then, yesterday, Zach was at work and Carly and i went to DG. On the way we passed the church and i told Carly daddy was at work there. She then said, " I miss Daddy". I guess she does understand. It is so sweet.

Friday, January 30, 2009

New Year, New Me

So i know that this blog is mostly about my daughter and what is going on with her. Well I will tell you that she had a great Christmas. She got way too many toys and is loving all of them. She is in a neat place right now. She sings a lot now. She is really using her imagination now. She likes to play tea party. Anyway, she is beautiful and smart and funny and fun to be around.

Now, let me tell you about me. For a while not I have been overweight. Okay, not just overweight but OBESE. Now that is not a place I ever thought I would be. At my senior high prom I wore a size 1 dress. So how do you go from a size 1 to a size 20? Wow, that is a difference. I don't think I liked myself necessarily as a one but I sure don't like myself at a 20. I can't play with my daughter for long, I feel horrible a lot of the time...the list goes on. Well, how did I get here.

When i went to college I gained the freshmen 15. No problem there b/c I was probably underweight as it was. Then I went up and down as it goes until my Junior year. Then I was planning on getting married and stressed from the wedding and college so I gained a little more. i was still Okay, not over weight. I stayed about the same til I graduated. Right before i graduated from college Zach and I thought we were pregnant. Then we not only found out that we were not pregnant but that we were going to have difficulty getting pregnant in the first place. So began our journey to have the aforementioned Carly. Talk about stress and then through some fertility drugs on top of that and you get a lot of weight. Then add a miracle pregnancy and you get even more weight. So here I am...overweight and unhappy.

What now? Well on January 2, 2009 I decided that that day was the time for a change! Sure I had "tried" before. I would act like I wanted to do this and then cheat, cheat, cheat. Not this time. I am doing it right. I have changed how I eat and drink and I have started exercising. I love the way I feel. I feel empowered and in charge of myself! And guess what...I have lost 15 pounds already! I am so excited. I CAN DO THIS and I AM DOING THIS!