Well things are going well at our new home. We have made some good friends already. One thing about moving though is that we have to find new "people". What do I mean by that? We have to find a new pediatrician, a new OBGYN, a new family doctor (although to be quite honest I haven't had one of those in 6 years), a new dentist, etc. New "people". One of those etc. is a new photographer for Carly. Carly has had the same photographer since she was born...Tina at Sears. I met Tina when she was taking pictures of a friend of mine's daughter several years ago. I met her again when I was with Allison at Sears one time. So when Carly was born and I needed to take her to a studio, I went to Tina. She is the best (with a studio(Allison is the best without a normal studio)). So when it was time to get Carly's Christmas pictures done I had a decision to make. Do I go to someone new? NO. I decided that I would just come to Clemson a day earlier for Thanksgiving and have Tina take her pictures. yay! She did a great job. Have a look.

On another note. I hope everyone has a truly Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. I have so much to be thankful for. My beautiful daughter, my health, my husband, my friends, my family, our new home, my dog, and most of all My Lord and Savior.
You have a very beautiful daughter! It just happens I have written a book for Christmas that you may love - it's called, "Christmas With Carly"
and you can read the description of it here:
If you're interested, and because your daughters name is Carly, I'd be happy to autograph it for you. Email me if you'd like.
I would love to get one of those books. I don't know your email address. Can you send it to me.My email address is clemsontgrgirl@yahoo.com.
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