I can not believe my baby is two weeks old already. Time is going by way too fast. Before I know it she'll be married. Okay so maybe that is an exageration. It just feels like that. She tries to hold her head up already. I keep telling her to slow down. I don't want her to grow so fast.
I went to OMH today and put in an application for a PRN job. They told me they could probably use me and would give me a call in the next two days. That is very exciting. I don't want to go back to work at all but since I have to I want to work as little as possible. Summer has agreed to keep Carly while I work and that makes me feel better than if I had to put her in daycare. I just know that my first day away from her will be super hard. To be honest I have already cried quite a bit about going back to work. I just want to stay home with her and raise her myself. I hope that I don't miss any of her firsts. I want to see her first smile, first step, first crawl.
Well I am going to try to get a picture to post the proper way now. Please forgive me for the ones that are sideways.
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