I apologize to those who have been checking. I have been a terrible blogger since I have gone back to work. Carly is growing like a cute little weed. She is sleeping for 8 hours at a time. Yay. Sleeping is much better.
I was able to get her a an excersaucer from a consignment sale in town (www.upstatekids.com). It only cost $25 instead of $99 for a new one. She loves it. I will have to put a picture on here soon. I will try to do it tomorrow. I also got her a bumbo for only $6. Back to the excersaucer-she loves it. She sits in it and bounces and plays with all the little toys. She can coo now and she sits in it and just coos and coos. She also likes to watch tv in her bouncy seat. We got that baby tv channel. She loves it. she will watch it for 30-60 minutes at a time.
She got sick for the first time this week. She had a stomach bug. We had to put her on a pedialyte diet for 24 hours and then a combination pedialite/breastmilk for the next 24 hours. She is doing much better now. I just hated that my baby felt so bad. She just wanted to be held by her mommy. I just wanted to make her all better.
Now she feels better and was playing again today. Yayy.